Monday, January 3, 2011

It's Official!

I've just completed my Diploma of Interior Design!!!! And i can't be more relieved, excited and proud. Having two young children to run after, moving house and extending all at the same say the least its been very challenging. I can't recommend the Interior Design Institute (http://www.interiordesigninstitute/) enough, they have been fantastic and studying online has been such a great experience and I would do it again in a heartbeat.  Now that i finally have more time (this has been 8 months in the making) you'll see many more posts on this page and mostly will be extension photos and  some of my projects that I did for my assignments.

I'll start off with this one...this is a one-view perspective of a living room, it was my 11th assignment...its not perfect but it was my 1st attempt and scored a 10/10 as it met all requirements. :)

Bye for now,

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